Thursday, April 15, 2010

Need to Know

There are many arguments from all walks of life, about how much to tell families and loved ones. It seems that a policy of full disclosure has become the norm. But the question remains why?

As a habit I don't tell my family what sexual positions me and my wife prefer. So when it comes to lifestyle the question still remains...Why? Many people have families, or members thereof that really don't want to know. By telling them, you are only creating drama. People have this look of stunned disbelief as their families or parts of it disown them. Families refuse to talk to them, or otherwise shun them. So what is the happy medium?

You grew up with your families, you know what their views are, sure they may change when it is "one of their own". But be honest with yourself, be honest with whomever you are involved with. Do I care if I won't be invited over for Christmas dinner? Not really.

But be aware that this is the decision point of your life, there are people who will make you choose. Tell your family or I will walk.

One of my thought points on this is that yes my family is important, but they are my past. The family I have now, my intentional family, my House is my future. My family can accept that or not. Now if they ever did come to visit, sure we would tone down our behavior as a courtesy. But much of what happens in this House is "bedroom" activity. If it isn't, then it is the most mundane of activities. No matter how leather we are, the cat litter still needs to be done. The dishes still need cleaned, and the trash still needs pulled, and let us not forget about budgets to be balanced.

So think carefully...What does the family need to know? What compromise are you and your partner(s) willing to make? If the answer is none, then the response is your responsibility to deal with. We each have those choices to make, and no they can not be unmade, welcome to the real world

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