Friday, April 9, 2010

The Backstory

As I said in my original post, I am 35 years old. I would like to thank my parents for bringing me into the world, without them none of this would be possible. I grew up in a standard nuclear family one female mother, one male father, one half-sister, and one younger brother.

Alas, but my tale is not filled with sorrow, or epic conditions to be overcome. We children were well loved, we got attention. Our parents were parents, not absentee landlords. My early life was comfortable suburbia, though we did move around a lot due to my father being in the military. My parents had me and my brother later in life, so we were still relatively young when our father retired from the Army.

After that things stabilized for a while, my dad went to school full time, and he had a stint on welfare, and food stamps. It was not pretty, it was not fun, but Dad explained why it was happening. He had a plan, and most importantly he followed through on that plan. Cosmic coincidence probably, but at that age he was larger than life and capable of anything. A mythic figure to be feared and respected, yet still took time to play with us.

My mom, though given to bouts of excitability was no less epic, just slightly more earthy and approachable. She taught us music, and how to speak...she taught us how to read, and more importantly how to understand what we were reading. The jobs she took allowed her to be home when we left and she was always there when we came back, well almost always, but often enough that her not being there was the exception not the rule.

I had an incredible extended family growing up as well. Both sides had their good apples and their bad. But the awesomeness of the good definitely outweighed the horror of the bad. There are folks like my great grandparents, my aunt, my grand parents (not all on the same side) that had an incredible impact on my life, some of those memories will be shared here at a later time.

So all of this boils down to a remarkably unremarkable childhood that really has no insight into why I am the way I am. I am o.k. with it, I do not need an excuse or reason. Perhaps it is genetics, perhaps there is some well qualified psychologist that can explain it in minute detail. But I will take this life that I have and run like I stole something.

My first love of the lifestyle is D/s, this I think I understand because I was raised to be competent and confident. I was raised with the understanding that relinquishing control and following someone else when you are not the most qualified does indeed not make you less of a person or a man.

My second love of the lifestyle is S/m. I enjoy pushing the limit and seeing what can be done. How well I can do it. There have only been a few complaints, but no long lasting injuries, only a couple of E.R. visits, but some of that was the exuberance of youth, and more than one of them was me in the E.R. not the bottom.

Everything else I enjoy falls under those to major heading. I like rough body play (S/m). I like using my hands and teeth. I like using floggers, I really like the Wal-mart foam covered bats....AWESOME! I like coffee service by a well trained girl in nothing but her panties and Our collar (D/s). I enjoy the training (process) that goes into the creation of a well running and smoothly operating House.

I enjoy my life, and there will be more interludes and moments of memories that I feel have defined me in the future.

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